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    How much do you know about gender medicine? Listen Now

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  • Episode 1

    Episode 1

    At 17 years old, Judith Hunter’s daughter suddenly announced she was transgender. She had no history of gender dysphoria but mental health professionals immediately referred her for testosterone. Featured: Judith Hunter, “Julie”, Dr Dianna Kenny and Sandra Pertot.

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  • Episode 2

    Episode 2

    How did an experimental medical treatment “escape the lab” and become the first line of treatment for youth gender dysphoria? Are the treatment guidelines produced by Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital based on scientific evidence or opinion? Featured: Dr Michael Biggs,…

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  • Episode 3

    Episode 3

    Gender clinics promote puberty blockers as safe and reversible. But are they? Do 12-year-olds really understand the medical risks of gender affirming care? Can they meaningfully consent to future sterility and sexual dysfunction? Featured: Dr Jillian Spencer, Dr Dylan Wilson…

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  • Episode 4

    Episode 4

    What is queer theory and how did it come to inform school curriculum and school policies? This episode traces the history of the Safe Schools Program – its origins, the media storm surrounding it and its legacy. Featured: Moira Deeming…

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  • Episode 5

    Episode 5

    Should schools be allowed to secretly transition your child without telling you? What message are we sending to girls by forcing them to share toilets and changerooms with boys? In this episode, anonymous education employees share their criticisms of gender…

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  • Episode 6

    Episode 6

    What motivates heterosexual men to pursue medical transition? The popular narrative says they have an inner feminine essence, that they were born in the wrong body. One hundred years of research demonstrates that a sexual paraphilia is driving these men.…

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  • Episode 7

    Episode 7

    Courtney Coulson was 22 years old when she decided to transition. After 6 years living as “Connor” she realised it was a mistake. Courtney reflects on what led her to believe she was transgender and what made her wake up.…

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  • Episode 8

    Episode 8

    Gender affirming healthcare is coming under increasing scrutiny. The UK Cass Review, a four-year, independent inquiry into youth gender medicine has just been published. The findings are alarming but we’re being told they don’t apply to Australia. What next for…

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